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  • Signaux SNCF sous ITRAIN
    par Franck2R » 18 Mai 2024, 18:28
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  • Décodeur pour éclairage
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    18 Mai 2024, 07:51
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    1, 2, 3Forum Train • Voir le forum (8) par Panzer » 08 Mai 2024, 17:38
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    Forum Train • Voir le forum (11) par vdm » 05 Juin 2023, 08:19
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  • Y a t'il une pile mémoire dans l'ECOS 50 000 ?
    par philgd » 02 Mai 2024, 13:13
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    1, 2Forum Train • Voir le forum (14) par LMG26 » 15 Avr 2024, 18:44
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    05 Mai 2024, 18:54
  • Quelle tension d'alimentation ECOS version 1 ESU ?
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    1, 2, 3Forum Train • Voir le forum (19) par PaulXpress » 25 Avr 2023, 13:21
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  • Sauvegarder sa liste sur ECOS 1
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Forum Train • Voir le forum (2024)


Why can't I select my seats on Trenitalia? ›

Seat Reservations are based on actual availability at the time of booking (as such there is no guarantee of seat proximity in case of very busy sectors/travel dates). "Seat Reservation" is an additional service offered by Trenitalia and is offered on a voluntary basis and not required to complete the train booking.

How early should I be at the train station in Italy? ›

As a general rule, it's a good idea to arrive 20-30 minutes before your train's scheduled departure time so you can get familiar with the station, find the information monitors as well as find your platform without being in a rush.

How do you tell what platform your train is on in Italy? ›

You will find out when you get to the train station, there will be big screens at the entrance showing platforms by departures and arrivals. Make sure you look for the right train number on the departures screen.

How is the train system in Italy? ›

High-speed train tickets usually cost more than slow trains, but they're much more efficient if you're short on time. Regional trains in Italy are slower, but serve a much wider network of cities and smaller towns throughout Italy.

Do you have to sit in your assigned seat at Trenitalia? ›

Some trains require seat reservations, and on other trains it's optional. If you're riding a train on which reservations are only recommended or completely optional and you don't have a reservation, you can sit in any available seat in the appropriate class you have booked.

Why does it say seat selection not available? ›

What if there is no airline seat map or no available seats showing on the seat map? Some airlines do not offer complimentary pre-reserved seating on all flights. If a seat map is unavailable or there are no seats to select, it means that the airline is not allowing you to select pre-reserved seat assignments.

What is the best way to make train reservations in Italy? ›

The best way to buy train tickets in Italy is using Trainline. Both our app and website offer convenience, real-time availability, and often, cost-effective ticket options. While you can purchase tickets at station counters, online booking via Trainline simplifies the process and ensures you get the tickets you want.

What is the nicest train in Italy? ›

Perhaps the most popular scenic train route in Italy is the Bernina Express, which connects Tirano in Italy to St. Moritz in the Swiss Alps. Along the way you'll see mountain peaks covered in snow, alpine lakes, and gorgeous valleys.

Is it better to buy train tickets in Italy ahead of time? ›

Trains seldom sell out, finding tickets even on the day of travel isn't a problem unless you hit a major holiday period. If one train is full, the next will have seats. Just remember that high-speed & Intercity trains are cheaper booked in advance, just like flights.

What is the best train schedule app for Italy? ›

Trenìt! is the most popular app to search trains schedules and prices in Italy, available for all kinds of device: smartphone, tablet, laptop, pc. - possible to share the details of a trip (via email, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.)

What website should I use to book trains in Italy? ›

The easiest way to book train tickets in advance is by using either or, with both being valid for Italian train tickets.

What if I miss a regional train in Italy? ›

If you miss your train, simply approach the ticket counter, or Biglietteria, present your original ticket, and ask about your options. The representative will be able to advise you based on your individual ticket.

Can you bring luggage on trains in Italy? ›

Traveling by train in Italy means always traveling with carry-on luggage. You'll carry on board everything you have with you. It's your responsibility to bring your bags on board and stow them properly, which is a great incentive to packing light. There's no fee to bring luggage on the train.

Are there toilets on Italy trains? ›

Don't worry, all trains in Italy have bathroom facilities available for travelers. Generally, there's one restroom at the end of each seating car, though you may have to walk between cars to find one that's available. You'll find them marked with the letters WC.

What is the most reliable train line in Italy? ›

(Both Italo and FrecciaRossa trains have a max speed of 300 km/hour, or 186 mph.) And the likelihood of delay is about the same. (FrecciaRossa and Italo are both much more dependably on time than any of Italy's regional trains.)

Why can't I book seats on train? ›

If the train company does not offer seat reservations on the train you are travelling on, the reservation ticket will specify the date and time of travel. In this case, you may sit in any available seat on the specified train, appropriate to the class of your ticket.

How to choose seats on an Italian train? ›

Seat reservations are needed on each train, but they are free and can be made online at or at stations.

How do I choose my Frecciarossa seat? ›

Tip: You can select your seat from a seat map when booking at, or Frecciarossa 1000 at Rome Termini. Standard class, cars 5-8. Premium class, car 4.

Why is Trainline not giving me a seat? ›

Non reservable train

Some carriers don't provide seat reservations on all or some of their trains. This is common on regional trains, shorter routes and during peak travel times on commuter routes.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.