Labyrinth of Legends Rewards (2024)

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    BoosterStqts Posts: 27

    July 2020 in General Discussion

    Just gonna get straight into it. The labyrinth rewards are good but could use some readjustment to become a little more 2020 friendly, personally I don't care that there are no 6* shards but it wouldn't hurt to add some gold or T5B fragments/catalysts. I know that these can be found in the Abyss but many players, like myself, are not ready or just can't do the Abyss quite yet. I am halfway through the exploration of Labyrinth and I'm going to explore it whether the rewards are buffed or not, but this is just some food for thought. Opinions?




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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      The LOL rewards absolutely don't need a buff. They are completely worth the effort. Seeing how LOL isn't that much of a pain to explore with Aegon, the 65k shards, trophy champ, 12 T2A, 2AGs, 100 Sig Stones, and T4CCs are totally worth the almost-zero units I spent going through LOL.


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      xNig Posts: 7,265 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      BoosterStqts said:

      Just gonna get straight into it. The labyrinth rewards are good but could use some readjustment to become a little more 2020 friendly, personally I don't care that there are no 6* shards but it wouldn't hurt to add some gold or T5B fragments/catalysts. I know that these can be found in the Abyss but many players, like myself, are not ready or just can't do the Abyss quite yet. I am halfway through the exploration of Labyrinth and I'm going to explore it whether the rewards are buffed or not, but this is just some food for thought. Opinions?


      If anything, the rewards should be nerfed given how easy it is now with 5* R5s and 6* R3s. Lol.


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      Gamer Posts: 10,322 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      I’m wil be fine if there add gold but No more then gold. No tier5b since at that time it wasn’t need to hav a rank5


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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      This again...😒


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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Look, as you see the abyss rewards now, that's how people saw the lab rewards then. Adding or removing from it means kabam would have to do the same for abyss in about 3 years time, or whenever 7*s or the next "legends" quest comes around.


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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020 edited July 2020

      Notsavage19 said:

      The LOL rewards absolutely don't need a buff. They are completely worth the effort. Seeing how LOL isn't that much of a pain to explore with Aegon, the 65k shards, trophy champ, 12 T2A, 2AGs, 100 Sig Stones, and T4CCs are totally worth the almost-zero units I spent going through LOL.

      Anyone who disagrees, I would love to know why. 💖🧚‍♂️✨


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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Whether they are satisfying for you or not isn't the issue, you decide whether to do it or not. The major reason people would explore LoL nowadays is for bragging rights or self fulfillment. It's just not necessary.


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      Hendross Posts: 953 ★★★

      July 2020

      Add a 5-star nexus foreshadowing the 6-star nexus available from AOL


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      Lvernon15 Posts: 11,596 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Seeing as aegon can explore the entire thing itemless I think it’s fine


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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      walkerdog said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      The LOL rewards absolutely don't need a buff. They are completely worth the effort. Seeing how LOL isn't that much of a pain to explore with Aegon, the 65k shards, trophy champ, 12 T2A, 2AGs, 100 Sig Stones, and T4CCs are totally worth the almost-zero units I spent going through LOL.

      T4CC are basically worthless. AQ covers them nicely these days. They should be either changed to T2A (not 1-for-1) and/or T5B, or just removed and given a bunch of gold/5* shards (which is still useful even for end gamers).

      First of all, the notion that T4CC is worthless in the endgame is completely false. You still need those catalysts to R5 your champions. Sure, they might be quicker to obtain through AQ means, but they are still relevant. You could apply the same to 5* shards. Those are covered in the EQ, aren't they?

      Point is, for the difficulty of LOL, the rewards are evenly matched. Just like how ROL was easy, and the rewards matched its difficulty, LOL's difficulty is matched by its rewards, which might even overcompensate.


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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

      But I assume suicides is much better for exploring with aegon (that's what I'd use anyway), does dropping quake for xforce work as well, or should Heimdall go instead?

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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

      But I assume suicides is much better for exploring with aegon (that's what I'd use anyway), does dropping quake for xforce work as well, or should Heimdall go instead?

      I would say Proxima could be dropped since it only provides a shield and a boost to the furies. Since you're running suicides, you don't really need the fury boost.

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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

      But I assume suicides is much better for exploring with aegon (that's what I'd use anyway), does dropping quake for xforce work as well, or should Heimdall go instead?

      I would say Proxima could be dropped since it only provides a shield and a boost to the furies. Since you're running suicides, you don't really need the fury boost.

      But if you do want to do the heavy tactic, and that quake synergy is in place, you're not gonna get it because of the evade. If you decide to kill off Nick to disable the synergy, then you're gonna lose the xforce heal too.

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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

      But I assume suicides is much better for exploring with aegon (that's what I'd use anyway), does dropping quake for xforce work as well, or should Heimdall go instead?

      I would say Proxima could be dropped since it only provides a shield and a boost to the furies. Since you're running suicides, you don't really need the fury boost.

      But if you do want to do the heavy tactic, and that quake synergy is in place, you're not gonna get it because of the evade. If you decide to kill off Nick to disable the synergy, then you're gonna lose the xforce heal too.

      I didn't do the heavy tactic to conserve my potions.


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      KDSuperFlash10 Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      Lvernon15 said:

      Seeing as aegon can explore the entire thing itemless I think it’s fine

      You have to actually have an Aegon for that to happen chief.


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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      KDSuperFlash10 said:

      Lvernon15 said:

      Seeing as aegon can explore the entire thing itemless I think it’s fine

      You have to actually have an Aegon for that to happen chief.

      And? Your point?

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      mum_m2 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★

      July 2020

      the problem with LOL is that the rewards are really bad for paths 2-6. First time you do it is great. Last time is worth it. But all of those times in between for 1 5* sig stone, and 1 4* champ, is quite useless. This is what I would do to add to it.

      1 - T4CC Crystal.
      500,000 Gold

      That's it. I don't think that's too much to ask. Coming from someone who 100% it last month.


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      Kill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

      July 2020

      mum_m2 said:

      the problem with LOL is that the rewards are really bad for paths 2-6. First time you do it is great. Last time is worth it. But all of those times in between for 1 5* sig stone, and 1 4* champ, is quite useless. This is what I would do to add to it.

      1 - T4CC Crystal.
      500,000 Gold

      That's it. I don't think that's too much to ask. Coming from someone who 100% it last month.

      Yeah, I do agree that the path rewards are abysmal! (No pun intended.)


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      Notsavage19 Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

      July 2020 edited July 2020

      mum_m2 said:

      the problem with LOL is that the rewards are really bad for paths 2-6. First time you do it is great. Last time is worth it. But all of those times in between for 1 5* sig stone, and 1 4* champ, is quite useless. This is what I would do to add to it.

      1 - T4CC Crystal.
      500,000 Gold

      That's it. I don't think that's too much to ask. Coming from someone who 100% it last month.

      I would go maybe 250,000. 500,000 seems too much. That's 3,500,000 gold in total. That's almost as much as completing Act 6. Compared to the effort, difficulty, and cost of Act 6, LOL was easier and less costly, so the rewards shouldn't be equal/about equal.


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      gingerspeed Posts: 7

      March 2021

      Notsavage19 said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      The LOL rewards absolutely don't need a buff. They are completely worth the effort. Seeing how LOL isn't that much of a pain to explore with Aegon, the 65k shards, trophy champ, 12 T2A, 2AGs, 100 Sig Stones, and T4CCs are totally worth the almost-zero units I spent going through LOL.

      Anyone who disagrees, I would love to know why. 💖🧚‍♂️✨

      Because aegon is one of the rarest champs to get. I've had the game since it came out and the only aegon I have is a 4* unduped. Anybody who doesn't have a duped 5* aegon is going to be spending about 1000-3000 units on average. Those are just the facts of everyone that has gone through it.

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      gingerspeed Posts: 7

      March 2021

      Kill_Grey said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

      But I assume suicides is much better for exploring with aegon (that's what I'd use anyway), does dropping quake for xforce work as well, or should Heimdall go instead?

      if you're relying on the heimdal synergy then you already messed up pretty bad, the xforce heal is better. I would switch out proxima for xforce and keep quake

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      The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,782 ★★★★★

      March 2021

      Why the necro.


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      The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,782 ★★★★★

      March 2021

      And anyways I don't want a rewards buff but tbf not everyone has Aegon.

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      Berjibs Posts: 1,523 ★★★★

      March 2021 edited March 2021

      Kill_Grey said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      Notsavage19 said:

      Kill_Grey4112 said:

      BTW, what synergy team is best for exploring with aegon?

      I used Proxima, Heimdall, NF, and Quake.

      But I assume suicides is much better for exploring with aegon (that's what I'd use anyway), does dropping quake for xforce work as well, or should Heimdall go instead?

      I would say Proxima could be dropped since it only provides a shield and a boost to the furies. Since you're running suicides, you don't really need the fury boost.

      But if you do want to do the heavy tactic, and that quake synergy is in place, you're not gonna get it because of the evade. If you decide to kill off Nick to disable the synergy, then you're gonna lose the xforce heal too.

      I used nick, dpx, cm of some variety to boost furies and someone else I can’t remember 😂 maybe heimdall

      Quake synergy is annoying and you don’t need it past 150 combo

      Edit: lols this thread is ancient


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      TrashyPanda Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★

      March 2021

      gingerspeed said:

      Because aegon is one of the rarest champs to get.

      Champs don't have rarities; you're just as likely to get Ægon as you are Groot. Don't need that misinformation spreading everywhere.


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      _I_ Posts: 306

      March 2021

      xNig said:

      BoosterStqts said:

      Just gonna get straight into it. The labyrinth rewards are good but could use some readjustment to become a little more 2020 friendly, personally I don't care that there are no 6* shards but it wouldn't hurt to add some gold or T5B fragments/catalysts. I know that these can be found in the Abyss but many players, like myself, are not ready or just can't do the Abyss quite yet. I am halfway through the exploration of Labyrinth and I'm going to explore it whether the rewards are buffed or not, but this is just some food for thought. Opinions?


      If anything, the rewards should be nerfed given how easy it is now with 5* R5s and 6* R3s. Lol.

      Smells like a pompous self obsessed player who likes to steal the candy away from juniors.



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